Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Brother, Can You Spare a Toyota?

Betsy Bird is unavailable for posting tonight and asked that I send her regrets.

She has spent the entire day trying to buy two cars and is too tired to do anything on the computer other than continue to search in vain for two safe and reliable vehicles available immediately at fire-sale prices.

Yes, two cars does sound like a lot. But less than 48 hours after the rear-ending of her son's decrepit van, which was only worth a couple of thousand at best, her husband's car expired of natural causes. The nerve! It was only 22 years old and had a mere 165,000 miles, which obviously means it was a wimpy, lily-livered thing.

Betsy will be back tomorrow, when (we should all hope) she is in a better frame of mind.

Yours sincerely,
Betsy's Keyboard


MommyTime said...

Dear Betsy's Keyboard,
Do you do windows or laundry? If so, would you like an all-expenses-paid vacation to come teach MY keyboard a thing or two?
Here's hoping,

Anonymous said...

Been there, done that!

My husband had an accident, and my trans went up the same week.

We spent two weeks in rentals b/c I was bound and determined to find some really good deals. And I did. But I was utterly and completely exhausted!